Who is the Toolkit for?
The information covered in this Toolkit can be used by:
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Collegiate veterans can use this Toolkit to learn how conditions like Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder can affect relationships. Veterans can use the resource guide to get help with these issues, and get help if they are in an abusive relationship.
The Toolkit is available for friends and family who are interested in learning more about healthy relationships, dating violence, and sexual violence. The resource guide is also available for friends and family who may want to refer a student or member of the community to resources.
LGBTQ groups can use this Toolkit to learn more about the dynamics of healthy relationships, dating violence, and sexual violence in LGBTQ relationships. LGBTQ individuals and groups can also use the resource guide to contact LGBTQ friendly service providers that offer confidential services and assistance.
Orientation leaders can utilize this Toolkit to further strengthen orientation curriculum on healthy and unhealthy relationships, as well as sexual violence. They can also use the resource guide to help students learn about available resources in the area.
Student leaders can use this Toolkit to discuss issues regarding healthy and unhealthy relationships with others. They can also refer students to the Toolkit’s resource guide for further assistance.
Student athletes can use this Toolkit to learn more about healthy relationships, dating violence, and sexual violence. This Toolkit also offers insight into the positive ways to express masculinity, teamwork, and courage to help prevent dating and sexual violence. Atheletes can also use the resource guide to find help if they are in need.
Sororities and fraternities can use this Toolkit to learn more about sexual violence and debunk myths about rape and abuse. Additionally, the Toolkit’s resource guide provides more information on how to report abuse, where students can go to talk to someone about abuse, and learn more about dating and sexual violence.
Housing representatives, night staff, and resident assistants can use this Toolkit to strengthen their knowledge of healthy and unhealthy relationships, dating violence, and sexual violence in order to better serve their residents. Housing representatives can also use the Toolkit to assist their residents when they need help and use it as a discussion topic.
Student organizations can use the Toolkit to open up discussions on sexual violence, dating violence, and healthy relationships. The resource guide will also provide more information for students who are in need.
This Toolkit has something for everybody! Even you!
Peer counselors and tutors can use the Toolkit to better understand their peers. They can also use this Toolkit to refer students to resources that they may need.
Students will learn about the components of a healthy relationship, and issues concerning dating violence and sexual assault. Students can also use this Toolkit to connect to resources on campus, in the local community, and to statewide and national resources.