Military core values relate to campus life and healthy dating.

Every service branch instills in its troops core values, and those core values can help veterans achieve success on campus. The same core values that made you a great solider, sailor, marine, airman, or guardsmen, will also help make you a great student and help you build healthy dating relationships. Click the service branch that you served in.

Branch of Service

  • Air Force

    U.S. Airforce Vision

    Integrity First

    Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is looking. Integrity takes courage to act even at the risk of personal cost. Integrity means being accountable.
    Campus Life Healthy Dating Relationship
    Self-respect Respect
    Choose to value yourself and take pride in your accomplishments. Choose to treat your partner how you would like to be treated. Choose to respect decisions about your partner’s body, sexual boundaries, and privacy.
    Communication Communication
    Choose to get to know your professors and classmates. Choose to listen and share ideas openly. Choose not to shut down your partner’s ideas or make all the decisions for her/him.
    Conscientious Honesty
    Choose to put forth your best effort. Choose to be open about intentions and willing to admit mistakes. Choose not to be controlling or manipulative.
    Choose to lead by example.

    Service Before Self

    Putting service before self means putting professional duties ahead of personal desires. Service before self is having self-discipline and showing respect for others.
    Campus Life Healthy Dating Relationship
    Self-discipline Trust
    Choose to focus on tasks at hand and show personal restraint. Choose to be secure and confident in your relationship. Choose not to stalk, harass, or constantly monitor your partner.
    Respect for Others Equality
    Choose to be understanding of other cultures, religions, and ways of life. Choose to allow equal input in decision making, including decisions about sexual boundaries and physical contact.
    Choose to stay on track, meet deadlines, and accomplish goals.

    Excellence In All We Do

    Excellence is striving to be the best in all aspects of life. Excellence is the pursuit of continuous improvement.
    Campus Life Healthy Dating Relationship
    Self-improvement Understanding
    Choose to continually work to better yourself. Choose to put yourself in your partner’s shoes.
    Mental Health Safety
    Choose to take care of the mind by managing stress. Choose to create a relationship free from physical or verbal threats. Choose to never hit, threaten, hold up fists, kick, bite, or call names.
    Physical Health
    Choose to take care of the body by sleeping and eating properly and exercising regularly.
  • Army



    Loyalty means supporting the leadership and standing up for others.
    Campus Life Healthy Dating Relationship
    Communication Trust
    Choose to get to know your professors and classmates. Choose to be secure and confident in your relationship. Choose not to stalk, harass, or constantly monitor your partner.


    Duty means fulfilling obligations and being able to do so as part of a team. Duty means not taking shortcuts.
    Campus Life Healthy Dating Relationship
    Mental health Safety
    Choose to take care of the mind by managing stress. Choose to create a relationship free from physical or verbal threats. Choose to never hit, threaten, hold up fists, kick, bite, or call names.
    Physical health
    Choose to take care of the body by sleeping and eating properly and exercising regularly.


    Respect is treating others as you wish to be treated. Respect starts with self-respect and putting forth your best effort.
    Campus Life Healthy Dating Relationship
    Respect for others Respect
    Choose to be understanding of other cultures, religions, and ways of life. Choose to treat your partner how you would like to be treated. Choose to respect decisions about your partner’s body, sexual boundaries, and privacy.
    Choose to put forth your best effort.

    Selfless Service

    Selfless service is the commitment to put the welfare of others before your own.
    Campus Life Healthy Dating Relationship
    Organization Communication
    Choose to stay on track, meet deadlines, and accomplish goals. Choose to listen and share ideas openly. Choose not to shut down your partner’s ideas or make all the decisions for her/him.


    Honor is earned by making the right choice in everything you do.
    Campus Life Healthy Dating Relationship
    Self-respect Equality
    Choose to value yourself and take pride in your accomplishments. Choose to allow equal input in decision making, including decisions about sexual boundaries and physical contact.
    Choose to lead by example.


    Integrity is doing what is legally and morally right. Integrity requires honesty and accountability.
    Campus Life Healthy Dating Relationship
    Self-discipline Honesty
    Choose to focus on tasks at hand and have personal restraint. Choose to be open about intentions and willing to admit mistakes. Choose not to be controlling or manipulative.

    Personal Courage

    Personal courage is facing fear, danger, or adversity.
    Campus Life Healthy Dating Relationship
    Self-improvement Understanding
    Choose to continually work to better yourself. Choose to put yourself in your partner’s shoes.
  • Navy



    Honor is acting in the highest ethical manner in all relationships at all times. Honor requires acting with integrity and taking personal responsibility.
    Campus Life Healthy Dating Relationship
    Self-respect Respect
    Choose to value yourself and take pride in your accomplishments. Choose to treat your partner how you would like to be treated. Choose to respect decisions about your partner’s body, sexual boundaries, and privacy.
    Self-discipline Honesty
    Choose to focus on tasks at hand and have personal restraint. Choose to be open about intentions and willing to admit mistakes. Choose not to be controlling or manipulative.
    Conscientious Communication
    Choose to put forth your best effort. Choose to listen and share ideas openly. Choose not to shut down your ideas or make all the decisions for her/him.


    Courage is fulfilling the mission even when doing so is hazardous, demanding, or difficult. Courage means making the right decisions without regard for personal consequences.
    Campus Life Healthy Dating Relationship
    Leadership Trust
    Choose to lead by example. Choose to be secure and confident in your relationship. Choose not to stalk, harass, or constantly monitor your partner.
    Mental health Equality
    Choose to take care of the mind by managing stress. Choose to allow equal input in decision making, including decisions about sexual boundaries and physical contact.
    Physical health
    Choose to take care of the body by sleeping and eating properly and exercising regularly.


    Commitment means being devoted to achieving goals. Commitment requires care for the safety, professional, personal, and spiritual well-being of others.
    Campus Life Healthy Dating Relationship
    Respect for others Safety
    Choose to be understanding of other cultures, religions, and ways of life. Choose to create a relationship free from physical or verbal threats. Choose to never hit, threaten, hold up fists, kick, bite, or call names.
    Self-improvement Understanding
    Choose to continually work to better yourself. Choose to put yourself in your partner’s shoes.
    Choose to stay on track, meet deadlines, and accomplish goals.
  • Marine Corps



    Honor is doing the right thing both ethically and legally when no one is looking. Honor means taking personal responsibility. Honor is being a guardian of the standards of excellence for our society.
    Campus Life Healthy Dating Relationship
    Self-respect Respect
    Choose to value yourself and take pride in your accomplishments. Choose to treat your partner how you would like to be treated. Choose to respect decisions about your partner’s body, sexual boundaries, and privacy.
    Self-discipline Honesty
    Choose to focus on tasks at hand and have personal restraint. Choose to be open about intentions and willing to admit mistakes. Choose not to be controlling or manipulative.
    Conscientious Communication
    Choose to put forth your best effort. Choose to listen and share ideas openly. Choose not to shut down your partner’s ideas or make all the decisions for her/him.


    Courage is the guardian of all other values. Courage means having both mental and physical strength in the face of adversity.
    Campus Life Healthy Dating Relationship
    Leadership Trust
    Choose to lead by example. Choose to be secure and confident in your relationship. Choose not to stalk, harass, or constantly monitor your partner.
    Communication Equality
    Choose to get to know your professors and classmates. Choose to allow equal input in decision making, including decisions about sexual boundaries and physical contact.
    Mental health
    Choose to take care of the mind by managing stress.
    Physical health
    Choose to take care of the body by sleeping and eating properly and exercising regularly.


    Commitment is being devoted to achieving goals. Commitment requires a spirit of determination. Commitment means pressing on when others quit.
    Campus Life Healthy Dating Relationship
    Respect for others Safety
    Choose to be understanding of other cultures, religions, and ways of life. Choose to create a relationship free from physical or verbal threats. Choose to never hit, threaten, hold up fists, kick, bite, or call names.
    Self-improvement Understanding
    Choose to continually work to better yourself. Choose to put yourself in your partner’s shoes.
    Choose to stay on track, meet deadlines, and accomplish goals.
  • Coast Guard



    Honor is acting with integrity in all situations and acting with ethical and moral behavior.
    Campus Life Healthy Dating Relationship
    Self-respect Trust
    Choose to value yourself and take pride in your accomplishments. Choose to be secure and confident in your relationship. Choose not to stalk, harass, or constantly monitor your partner.
    Self-discipline Communication
    Choose to focus on tasks at hand and have personal restraint. Choose to listen and share ideas openly. Choose not to shut down your partner’s ideas or make all the decisions for her/him.
    Choose to put forth your best effort.


    Respect is valuing diversity by treating others with fairness, dignity, and compassion. Respect requires being able to work as a team.
    Campus Life Healthy Dating Relationship
    Leadership Respect
    Choose to lead by example. Choose to treat your partner how you would like to be treated. Choose to respect decisions about your partner’s body, sexual boundaries, and privacy.
    Respect for others Equality
    Choose to be understanding of other cultures, religions, and ways of life. Choose to allow equal input in decision making, including decisions about sexual boundaries and physical contact.
    Communication Understanding
    Choose to get to know your professors and classmates. Choose to put yourself in your partner’s shoes.

    Devotion To Duty

    Devotion to duty is taking personal responsibility and being committed to achieving goals.
    Campus Life Healthy Dating Relationship
    Self-improvement Safety
    Choose to continually work to better yourself. Choose to create a relationship free from physical or verbal threats. Choose to never hit, threaten, hold up fists, kick, bite, or call names.
    Mental health Honesty
    Choose to take care of the mind by managing stress. Choose to be honest about intentions and willing to admit mistakes. Choose not to be controlling or manipulative.
    Physical health
    Choose to take care of the body by sleeping and eating properly and exercising regularly.
    Choose to stay on track, meet deadlines, and accomplish goals.