Understand the influx of veterans into the community and campus.

Click the question to reveal the answer.

  • How many veterans are there?

    • There are an estimated 22.7 million veterans, which accounts for roughly 7.5% of the U.S. population as of 2010.*
    • About 160,000 members separate from active duty and about 110,000 reserve and guard members are demobilized every year.*
    • There are 2.4 million Gulf War-era II veterans (post 2001 veterans), which is about 10.5% of the veteran population.*
  • How many veterans are entering universities?

    • There were over 800,000 claims for VA education benefits in 2011. The number of education beneficiaries has increased by about 360,000 since the Post 9/11 GiBill debuted in 2009.*
    • Over 260,000 new beneficiaries used education benefits for college in 2010. 69% were pursing an undergraduate or graduate degree.*
  • How to get in touch with other veterans at FSU?

    • FSU’s President Barron is on a mission to make FSU “the most veteran-friendly university in the United States.”
    • FSU Veterans Center
  • How many veterans are entering the workforce?

    • There were 11.8 million veterans working or looking for work, which was 7.7 percent of the U.S. labor force in 2010.*
    • Nearly 30% of employed male veterans over the age of 25 had a college education, and just over 38% of employed female veterans over the age of 25 were college graduates in 2010.*
  • What are veterans’ biggest concerns?

    • Many veterans experience difficulty transitioning from military to civilian life.
    • Below are some of veterans’ greatest challenges.
      • Finding a job
      • Navigating veteran benefit and support systems
      • Figuring out what is next
      • Readjusting to social life*
http //prhome.defense.gov/rfm/MPP/ACCESSION%20POLICY/PopRep2011/summary/Summary.pdf